Hebrews 4:12

" For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword...nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight." Hebrews 4:12

A Note From Jess

 Hola! Jess here.
      So, you've been checking my blog every once in a while, but maybe you don't know us that well, or maybe you're a close friend of ours. Whatever the case, you're here, at my photo blog. So I thought I would take this opportunity to share with you a little bit more about who I am, what my interests are, and what this blog is all about.
     My family and I have been Missionaries in Mexico for the past three years. God has taught me more about His love than I could ever imagine, and my faith in Him has grown immensley by becoming a Missionary. He has given me incredible opportunities to serve Him, and share His love with the people of Mexico. I am blessed to be called His child, and proud to be His servant.
 This fall I began a new chapter in my life as a disciple of Christ, and am now attending Corban University in Salem, Oregon. I am currently and undeclared major, but I am thinking and praying about becoming a Photo Journalist. I want to travel, I love photography, and I love writing, and a Photo Journalist seems to enable me to put those three things together, and fill me with a career full of opportunity, adventure and blessing. We'll see what God has in store for me, and what He lays on my heart to do in the upcoming years, and what He lays on my heart to do with my life.
  I would like to thank you for your prayers and support while I begin to fulfill one of my dreams as I begin my own small photography business.
 On this blog at time I may post photos that are not of clients but photos of my own life, or of nature etc. This blog is for me to express myself through one of the things I love...photography. Please comment and give me your feedback to our art!
Thank you for taking the time to view my photos! Please see the Contact page to call, or email to schedule an appointment, or even just talk more with me!
   In Christ, Jessica Bruggeman