Hebrews 4:12

" For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword...nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight." Hebrews 4:12

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Barkes Boys

After staying with us for six weeks last summer, I got to know this three litte boys quite well. They grew to treat me like a big sister, and we have lots of fun together. Sometimes they forget that you have to play gentle with girls, but we still have fun together. =) The other day I was babysitting, and decided to bring my camera along with us to the park. It's hard to get them to hold still and smile nice to take a picture for me. Jabin was throwing grass at me as I took his picture....but it made him smile, so I guess it was a good compromise. 
The picture of Josiah at the bottom is definitely my favorite. It captures his personality, the color is beautiful, and the essence of the whole thing is just perfect. I love it!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Cameron & Melissa

Cameron has been like a big brother figure to me since middle school. This year I have been blessed to become friends with his girlfriend, Melissa. They are both wonderful people, and have amazing hearts. Melissa is absolutely stunning, and Dale can brush up nice when he wants to. :P They were going on a special date to celebrate their 6 month anniversary and asked me to take some pictures for them. We went to bush park in downtown Salem, and it was super fun doing a photo shoot with them!

                  Had to throw a silly one in there...

Catherine Brown

Catherine Brown- fellow member of Bethany Baptist youth group.
It was a bit chilly, and the park wasn't very full of color this time of year, but we still got some great shots!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


 Oscar is one of Dean's good friends from Salem Academy. They are actually not only "American friends", but they also were classmates in China as well.
 Oscar has a very unique personality that shines; it is so awesome! He was very fun to take photos of. He didn't like to smile for very many, but we still captured some very fun and artistic photos.

Thursday, December 2, 2010


I had some fun with some pearl the other night. Kind of a different approach for photography, a little more artistic; but that's what my blog is all about. Expressing that "cutting edge" photography in artistic photos that I capture.
Let me know what you think!